It’s the Real Thing!

14 09 2010

I was asked to Guest Blog on…, Check it out!

Wearing a Badge of Rationalism in a Realm of Possibilities

29 03 2010

This past February, I had the incredible opportunity to ascend upon London to work at Broadbean’s corporate offices and attend #TruLondon, the unconference put together by the TruCrew that includes “MrBill” Bill Boorman, his lovely bride, Fran, Geoff Radical Recruiter and Sourcer Extraordinaire Webb and the lovely Maha Akiki. TruCrew seems to be experiencing some growth as several people have told me they are now a part of the Crew.

Perhaps, we are all part of the crew?

I think so, given what TRU is all about. Lucky for me, I made the trek to Toronto with the Contingency from Indiana (Andy Gregory and Jerry Albright) last September to attend’s RecruitFest, where I participated, in original unconference format, in several tracks. One in particular led by MrBill gave me the opportunity to speak face to face with him and get an up close look at the passion he has for not only the industry, but for expanding the minds of those that live in our space.

London opened my eyes to many differences, yes, but more importantly to the similarities we all face in our jobs, goals, desires, and difficulties. To sit in a session led by Lisa Scales, Jason Davis and Craig Fisher or Alan Whitford, Geoff Webb and Jim Stroud leading tracks is inspiring in the fact in the recognition that we

are all really in the same boat, trying to get a handle on ever-changing technology as well as our hands on a paycheck. When a comrade struggles, fails or squirms, so do we. When a colleague is ripped-off, so are the rest of us. And we celebrate the successes of each other. How can we not? They are indicative of the hard work, the payoff, for which each of us strives.

TRU wants that success for each of us, this I know. The knowledge that is revealed in each corner discussion, the desire to share that knowledge and create a network of individuals that ache for growth and development in a field that embraces speed and the technology that provides that speed, is evident in each conversation and blog post. The invisible walls that once separated recruiters, hiring managers, HR professionals and vendors are being torn down. And TRU movement is part of that.

As quoted by Radical Recruiter earlier, “There has never been a more international group represented at any unconference in the USA.” I feel very fortunate to be listed as a Track Leader and look forward to earning my TruCrew badge, the badge of freedom that allows us to exchange ideas and information. The Badge of Rationalism, I shall call it. This is our realm; a place where spontaneous conversation breaks out, where listening occurs and maybe even some minds are changed. It is possible, it has happened. Before I enter each track, I will promise to maintain civility and participate with an open mind.

My passion for our industry is evident in every word I write, in every word I say, in every handshake, virtual or IRL. I value it and the people that make up our realm – if I fail at civility, at rationality, then I fail my badge, I fail my realm. But most importantly, I fail me; I fail at true learning and at the golden rule.

I’m choosing to not fail and I will honor my badge.

© by rayannethorn

Madison, WI
April 19 – 20, 2010

Thanks Julia Stone as BizWerks, Site Sponsor!

Last Minute

8 02 2010

A lot has been happening last minute for me these days…, and I am loving it. Part of what makes me love the recruiting industry is the need to be flexible and go with the flow. It is in my nature to love new things, therefore, I am a rabid learner, perpetual student, and embracer of technology and all things new media. Thanks goodness.

I was given two weeks to prepare for a trip to London. I usually write press releases last minute. AND I was just asked, a couple hours before show time, to join Bill Boorman as his guest on his radio series, “An Audience with…”

Very happy to do this and discuss recruiting, blogging, social recruiting, and Broadbean Technology.

Listen here: An audience with Rayanne Thorn

Just so you know, I love last minute. I is my father coming out in me. He was the master of last-minute planning and he was great!

You Gotta Have Heart

9 11 2009

The roar of the crowd was almost deafening. The floor of the freshly-waxed gymnasium shone brightly as six young volleyballers jumped up and down, joyous in their victory. They were eighth graders new to the sport, thirteen and fourteen years old. The last several weeks have been difficult. Soreness plagues a young body unfamiliar with lunges and squats. But practice and pursuit of excellence pay off when heart meets effort.

There had been much discussion between coach and the regarding building a core desire to do well. You can have all the amenities of an athlete. The right shoes. The right sport bag. The right shorts. The right location and coach. The right back-up support, parental units, family and friends. But unless your heart is there, unless your desire to excel and be all that you can be, the opportunity for greatness knocks on a locked door. Desire to do well drives and motivates even the weakest player, the most inexperienced player, to levels previously not approached.

These six girls knew the basics, they knew how to pass, set, and some were able to spike. There was one that rarely made a serve over the net. But they got a little taste of victory in an earlier game and they were hooked. The seed had been planted in their “heart.” A seed that grew and blossomed to become an incentive to play their absolute best, to dig into a sport they knew very little about just a few short weeks ago.

You’ve gotta have heart
All you really need is heart
When the odds are sayin’ you’ll never win
That’s when the grin should start -Damn Yankees

I guess the thing is…, you can win with skill and experience, but will it really matter without “heart?” Without skill and experience, you do not have a shot at winning if you don’t “heart.” How many recruiters are left in the game right now that don’t have heart? That don’t love this sport? That aren’t driven by love of making placements or connecting good people? That impetus, the desire to succeed in this industry can be driven by many factors, money being one. Those driven by money have probably struggled quite a bit over the last two years. Those driven by their hearts have probably fared better.

Skill and experience in recruiting go a long way. Having the wisdom to use both, properly, can be a difficult, but not impossible. But if you don’t like to recruit, if you don’t like talking to people, if you have difficulty with rejection, if you don’t like checks and balances, how can your heart fall in love the talent management industry? It cannot. It’s called engagement. It’s called heart.

by rayannethorn

Something to Tweet About

4 11 2009

Do you think Google is a major player in technology? Do you think they pay attention to what is new, what is hip, what is important in social media? Perhaps. I recently heard an interesting fact: Google and Twitter have engaged in a multi-million dollar partnership. What does this mean to you and me? First, it means that Google views Twitter as a powerful business tool. Second, it means that Twitter will be backed by the biggest player in internet technology. And third, it means that Twitter is not going away.

Interestingly enough, Twitter is still not being taken serious by big business. What Twitter allows is the opportunity to engage personally with customers and clients – right now. While Google is a fantastic search engine, it is not right now, it is not this second. Twitter is real-time, right now, right this second. Imagine the capabilities? Combining real time with the most incredible search engine there is.

Do you think we need to take it seriously? I do. (she yells at the top of her lungs) I encourage my clients to create a profile, begin active engagement, and I even offer to help them put together tweets. While, at first, it can be off-setting and maybe a little daunting, Twitter is just a conversation. That is all. Keeping that in mind, what might you be interested in sharing with current or potential clients and customers, how about candidates? When you look at it as a tool built as a conversation enabler, it takes the “big and scary” away. It should make it easier to think of how you can make it work for you.

Are you in a niche? Perhaps you are a generalist. Perhaps you are a sourcer. Perhaps you own a business and want to know best hiring practices or learn the most that you can about HR and recruiting. Maybe you have developed a product to solve an issue within your own company or industry. How do you see the speed of Twitter and search capabilities of Google assisting you? It is never easy to try something new or to take a risk. Growth comes from risk. Development comes from difficulties.

If you haven’t embraced Twitter, try and figure out why. What is it that scares you? Or keeps you from it? I have heard many say, I just don’t like it. I understand this. I didn’t like the fax machine and I didn’t like it when theLadders started charging me after I had already used them for a couple years. I didn’t like it when my office got moved or I resigned previous positions. Not liking something is not an excuse. Learn to love it. And you know why…

by rayannethorn

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